Exploring the Prajasthapan action by bridging te logics of Ayurved and contemorary science--
Prajasthapan Mahakashaya Dravyas actually execute their focused action through various pathways. If analyzed logically, these pathways are practically the contrast actions for the obstacles in Prajasthapan actions. The obstacles are found to be follows.
Organ weakness: The strength of Kukshi i.e Garbhasay (uterus) is very important for Prajasthapan.[28] As, after the union of male and female gametes (Shukra Rakta Samyoga),the fetus is actually embedded and nurtured in Kukshi (uterus). A weakened and incompetent uterus and cervix proves fatal for fetus. The uterus, being a visceral organ, it is muscular (Mamsa Dhatu Pradhana). Hence when hindrance to Prajasthapan is due to organ weakness, the correction of Mamsa is expected to yield healing effect. The Dravyas such as Guduchi, Durva, Vatyapushpi (Atibala), Haritaki are useful for this through their actions such as correction of metabolism of muscle tissue (digestive fire within Mamsa Dhatu), overcoming the sluggishness in Mamsa and Medo Dhatu, refreshing Mamsa Dhatu and causing its nourishment and increase.(i.e Mamsa Dhatvagni Vardhana, Mamsa Gata Dosha – Ama Pachana, Mamsa,and Medo Shaithilya Nashan, Mamsa Prasadan, Mamsa Vardhana). Also this result is evident from the update researches on Guduchi and Atibala, Haritaki on musculoskeletal system.
Expelling of fetus-(Misacrriages/ Abortions): Sometimes the fetus gets expelled out before it is properly embedded and adapted inside uterus „the Garbha Shaiyya‟, and sometimes this tendency continues and there is a continuous threat of miscarriages or abortions. The factors causing Rakta Gata Pitta Prakopa are found to be amongst the underlying causes leading to these deformities.[32] Rakta Gata Pitta Prakopa is caused by consumption of Ushna, Tikshna factors.[32] This can develop abnormalities in Rakta, like „RaktaUdriktatva‟ i.e. agitated fast flowing Rakta with high volume[33], Tanu Rakta i.e. Rakta having a much reduced density[34] and Askandi Rakta i.e. Rakta with a tendency of non-coagulation.[35,32] Such types of „Rakta Dushti‟ can develop bleeding tendencies, that increase the maximum risk of habitual abortions. The Dravyas in Prajasthapan Mahakashaya like Vatyapushpi (Atibala), Priyangu, Durva, Kadali, Guduchi, Kutaki have capacity to control bleedings by their actions like „Raktatipravriti Nashan‟ (stopping of bleeding), „Rakta Skandana‟ (coagulation) and „Raktasthapan‟ (maintain to normalcy). The control of bleeding tendencies can be helpful to avoid the threat of early expulsion of fetus. This is also evident from the update researches on these Dravyas that focus on their hemostatic effect.
Correcting circulation defects: Sometimes the deep rooted disease pathologies in the female‟s body are also responsible for obstruction to Prajathapan action, in the form of either infertility or miscarriages.[25] Some Dravyas from this Mahakashaya are directly having specific disease curing capacity (Rogaghnata). As can be found in the table. For example- For curing Vatarakta- Dravyas like Bramhi, Guduchi, Haritaki, for Prameha- Bramhi, Kutaki, Haritaki etc. Thus, some of the MK Dravyas probably execute Prajasthapan action by,basically treating the pathology that is creating obstacles in Prajasthapan. The update researches also indicate this by evaluating the Anti-Microbial, Antibacterial, Anticancer, Antidiabetic, Antimutagenic, Antioxidant, Antiviral, Cardioprotective, Hepato protective, immunodulatory actions of the dravyas like Haritaki, Guduchi, Kutaki .These pathologies are amongst the recognized anti Prajasthapan causes.
Circulation medium i.e. „Rasa Rakta‟ as per Ayurveda is a very vital entity for its peculiar functional capability. Carakacharya has also indicated that, the diseases can be corrected by correcting the process of circulation i.e. stabilized Rasa Rakta Samvahan. This is because; logically due to the correction of transport medium of medicine in the body, the ideal treatment of that disease is able to reach the appropriate sites in appropriate time, and start yielding positive results.[41] With this reasoning; if the Dosha vitiation in Rasa and Rakta are cured, then the ideal Rasa Rakta Samvahan i.e. ideal circulation, will be established in mother‟s body. As a result, the ideal effect will reduce the outcome of disease pathology.This can thereby reduce the possible anti Prajasthapan effect of pathology as stated above.
Placental abnormality, leading to faulty fetal circulation, is one of the major causes of fetal wastage. The ideal circulation will also competently nourish the fetus. This will also subsequently achieve ideal organ sustenance of the fetus (Garbhavayava Poshan). Faulty nourishment may precipitate organ malformation in fetus. This can cause the immature death of fetus due to uncertain viability of its organs like „fetal heart malformation‟. Actually Ayurveda has considered the crucial role of Rakta in the process of fetal organ development. Hence, there is a great importance of correction of deformed Rakta in mother‟s body, for avoiding the threat of fetal organ defects. The Dravyas from Prajasthapan Mahakashaya, that are actually capable to execute Prajasthapan action with this focus are Durva, Guduchi, Kutaki, Haritaki by their actions like Rasa Gata Pitta Saman, Rasa Prasadana, Rakta Gata Ama Pachana, Rakta Gata Visha Nashan, Rakta Gata Tridosha Shaman, Jivan, Rasa Rakta Prasadan, Dhatuvaha Srotovibandha Nashan etc. The update researches support the actions of these Dravyas like the antitoxic, hepatoprotective and cardio protective, antioxidant and actions on digestive system, genitourinary and reproductive system.
Therapeutic actions contributed, in majority; by this Mahakashaya Dravyas are – Out of 10, six Dravyas cure Daha, four Dravyas are Pachana, five Dravyas cure Chardi, Visha, Jwara, Raktapitta, Kushtha, and four Dravyas offer cure for diseases like Prameha, Vatarakta, Pliha
Vikara. These conditions create obstacles in Prajasthapan in some or the other way.
Thus, the present study emphasizes and logically justifies, the Charakacharya‟s notion that Prajasthapan MK is capable of covering all the possible obstacles for Prajasthapan through the varied therapeutic actions of its Dravyas.
Prajasthapan Mahakashaya Dravyas actually execute their focused action through various pathways. If analyzed logically, these pathways are practically the contrast actions for the obstacles in Prajasthapan actions. The obstacles are found to be follows.
Organ weakness: The strength of Kukshi i.e Garbhasay (uterus) is very important for Prajasthapan.[28] As, after the union of male and female gametes (Shukra Rakta Samyoga),the fetus is actually embedded and nurtured in Kukshi (uterus). A weakened and incompetent uterus and cervix proves fatal for fetus. The uterus, being a visceral organ, it is muscular (Mamsa Dhatu Pradhana). Hence when hindrance to Prajasthapan is due to organ weakness, the correction of Mamsa is expected to yield healing effect. The Dravyas such as Guduchi, Durva, Vatyapushpi (Atibala), Haritaki are useful for this through their actions such as correction of metabolism of muscle tissue (digestive fire within Mamsa Dhatu), overcoming the sluggishness in Mamsa and Medo Dhatu, refreshing Mamsa Dhatu and causing its nourishment and increase.(i.e Mamsa Dhatvagni Vardhana, Mamsa Gata Dosha – Ama Pachana, Mamsa,and Medo Shaithilya Nashan, Mamsa Prasadan, Mamsa Vardhana). Also this result is evident from the update researches on Guduchi and Atibala, Haritaki on musculoskeletal system.
Expelling of fetus-(Misacrriages/ Abortions): Sometimes the fetus gets expelled out before it is properly embedded and adapted inside uterus „the Garbha Shaiyya‟, and sometimes this tendency continues and there is a continuous threat of miscarriages or abortions. The factors causing Rakta Gata Pitta Prakopa are found to be amongst the underlying causes leading to these deformities.[32] Rakta Gata Pitta Prakopa is caused by consumption of Ushna, Tikshna factors.[32] This can develop abnormalities in Rakta, like „RaktaUdriktatva‟ i.e. agitated fast flowing Rakta with high volume[33], Tanu Rakta i.e. Rakta having a much reduced density[34] and Askandi Rakta i.e. Rakta with a tendency of non-coagulation.[35,32] Such types of „Rakta Dushti‟ can develop bleeding tendencies, that increase the maximum risk of habitual abortions. The Dravyas in Prajasthapan Mahakashaya like Vatyapushpi (Atibala), Priyangu, Durva, Kadali, Guduchi, Kutaki have capacity to control bleedings by their actions like „Raktatipravriti Nashan‟ (stopping of bleeding), „Rakta Skandana‟ (coagulation) and „Raktasthapan‟ (maintain to normalcy). The control of bleeding tendencies can be helpful to avoid the threat of early expulsion of fetus. This is also evident from the update researches on these Dravyas that focus on their hemostatic effect.
Correcting circulation defects: Sometimes the deep rooted disease pathologies in the female‟s body are also responsible for obstruction to Prajathapan action, in the form of either infertility or miscarriages.[25] Some Dravyas from this Mahakashaya are directly having specific disease curing capacity (Rogaghnata). As can be found in the table. For example- For curing Vatarakta- Dravyas like Bramhi, Guduchi, Haritaki, for Prameha- Bramhi, Kutaki, Haritaki etc. Thus, some of the MK Dravyas probably execute Prajasthapan action by,basically treating the pathology that is creating obstacles in Prajasthapan. The update researches also indicate this by evaluating the Anti-Microbial, Antibacterial, Anticancer, Antidiabetic, Antimutagenic, Antioxidant, Antiviral, Cardioprotective, Hepato protective, immunodulatory actions of the dravyas like Haritaki, Guduchi, Kutaki .These pathologies are amongst the recognized anti Prajasthapan causes.
Circulation medium i.e. „Rasa Rakta‟ as per Ayurveda is a very vital entity for its peculiar functional capability. Carakacharya has also indicated that, the diseases can be corrected by correcting the process of circulation i.e. stabilized Rasa Rakta Samvahan. This is because; logically due to the correction of transport medium of medicine in the body, the ideal treatment of that disease is able to reach the appropriate sites in appropriate time, and start yielding positive results.[41] With this reasoning; if the Dosha vitiation in Rasa and Rakta are cured, then the ideal Rasa Rakta Samvahan i.e. ideal circulation, will be established in mother‟s body. As a result, the ideal effect will reduce the outcome of disease pathology.This can thereby reduce the possible anti Prajasthapan effect of pathology as stated above.
Placental abnormality, leading to faulty fetal circulation, is one of the major causes of fetal wastage. The ideal circulation will also competently nourish the fetus. This will also subsequently achieve ideal organ sustenance of the fetus (Garbhavayava Poshan). Faulty nourishment may precipitate organ malformation in fetus. This can cause the immature death of fetus due to uncertain viability of its organs like „fetal heart malformation‟. Actually Ayurveda has considered the crucial role of Rakta in the process of fetal organ development. Hence, there is a great importance of correction of deformed Rakta in mother‟s body, for avoiding the threat of fetal organ defects. The Dravyas from Prajasthapan Mahakashaya, that are actually capable to execute Prajasthapan action with this focus are Durva, Guduchi, Kutaki, Haritaki by their actions like Rasa Gata Pitta Saman, Rasa Prasadana, Rakta Gata Ama Pachana, Rakta Gata Visha Nashan, Rakta Gata Tridosha Shaman, Jivan, Rasa Rakta Prasadan, Dhatuvaha Srotovibandha Nashan etc. The update researches support the actions of these Dravyas like the antitoxic, hepatoprotective and cardio protective, antioxidant and actions on digestive system, genitourinary and reproductive system.
Therapeutic actions contributed, in majority; by this Mahakashaya Dravyas are – Out of 10, six Dravyas cure Daha, four Dravyas are Pachana, five Dravyas cure Chardi, Visha, Jwara, Raktapitta, Kushtha, and four Dravyas offer cure for diseases like Prameha, Vatarakta, Pliha
Vikara. These conditions create obstacles in Prajasthapan in some or the other way.
Thus, the present study emphasizes and logically justifies, the Charakacharya‟s notion that Prajasthapan MK is capable of covering all the possible obstacles for Prajasthapan through the varied therapeutic actions of its Dravyas.
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