Monday, 13 April 2020

Kustha Vyadhi  in the view of Samutthana (Nidana- Doosha ) and Adhishthana (Dhatu)

 While describing Trividha Roga, Vagbhatacharya has described the“DoshaKarmaja” disease as those having terrible manifestation but the actual Hetus even done by patient is of less extent. Kushtha comes under this type. These are born not only from Dosha vitiation but also by bad acts of previous lives. Also, commencement of death of a person having Kushtha is referred as a rational aetiological factor of Kushtha in his next life by Sushrutacharya. Hence the “Samutthana”/aetiology that Kushtha projects, is something beyond just Ahara, Vihara, Manas catagories. The collective effect of this aetiology brings about “Upaghata” i.e abnormal pessimistic changes in the Sapta Dravyas of Kushtha, which are the actual sites for disease manifestation i.e Adhishthana. Thus Dhātus lie in various shades of Vikŗt Avasthās in aetiopathogenesis of Kushtha, from the initial to final stages of the disease. Hence it is needed to be focused keenly.

SAMUTTHAN-(AETIOLOGY) - Diverse aetiological factors Nidana (Ahara,Vihara etc) trigger defects in the fractional properties (i.e. Amshamshakalpana) of Doshas. Depending on the permutations and combinations of these fractions of Doshas and location Kushtha appears in diverse configurations. While describing Trividha Roga, Vagbhatacharya has described the “DoshaKarmaja” disease as those having terrible manifestation but the actual Hetusevan done by patient is of less extent. Kushtha comes under this type. These are born not only from Dosha vitiation but also by bad acts of previous lives. Also, commencement of death of a person having Kushtha is referred as a rational aetiological factor of Kushtha in his next life by Sushrutacharya. Hence the “Samutthana”/aetiology that Kushtha projects, is something beyond just Ahara, Vihara, Manas catagories ,hence it is needed to be focused keenly.

ADHISHTHANA- The collective effect of this aetiology brings about “Upaghata” i.e abnormal pessimistic changes in the Sapta Dravyas of Kushtha. Here “Upaghata” of Twagadi 4 Dhatus exhibit as Awasthas such as “Shaithilya”, “Klinnatva”, “Kotha” Paka etc, which are again conditions beyond just Kshaya or Vriddhi. Thus Dhātus lie in various shades of Vikŗt Avasthās in aetiopathogenesis of Kushtha. In Naimittik Rasāyana Sushrut acharya emphasize on specific drugs to restore the specific Dhātu Awasthas invarious Vyādhis. Ex. Bhallātaka Rasāyana- Kuşţha Shilājīta Rasāyana- Prameha.
Hence Adhisthana should be focused to treat and contour the “Chirkaari Vyadhi Swabhava of Kushtha”.
Here in this series of blogs  is an effort to focus on the peculiarities of Samuthana and Adhishthana of Kushtha.--- iI have just tried a trigger ... will continue ---Thank you for reading